Housing: A Path to Stability
Moving families out of homelessness and into self-sufficiency

The Three Pillars of Self-Sufficiency:
While living in PVSS housing, parents are busy creating change with the help and encouragement of supportive case management. Parents build a solid foundation through completing programs, workshops, and classes in the Three Pillars of Self-Sufficiency: Emotional Stability – Financial Stability – Housing Stability. These pillars are specifically designed to help parents remove the barriers to a stable, happy life. Attending these programs is a requirement while living in PVSS housing.
Blanca's Story
“This freedom that I have gained, I’m not going to give it up for anybody!”
The first time Blanca came to PVSS, she wasn’t emotionally ready to make the changes necessary to find stability. Blanca was almost floating with joy when she stopped by recently to share pictures of her new apartment.
Our Impact
PVSS is the most effective homeless services organization serving families in the Pajaro Valley providing 136 beds of Emergency Shelter, Transitional, Long-Term Housing and supportive services to families with children.
Adults exited with savings
Families in Permanent Housing
PVSS case managers support all participants in creating a savings goal and then meet monthly to guide them on their path to financial stability.